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One question
45 minutes
34 marks (30 for contact, 4 for SPaG)
Comment on the extract and the novel as a whole
Paired with Jekyll and Hyde question. Total exam time 1 hour 45 mins.
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the LRC!
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Plot Summaries
A brief overview of each act and scene

Act 1 Romeo and Juliet
Act 1 Romeo and Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet Summary (Act 1 Scene 1) - Nerdstudy
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Romeo and Juliet Summary (Act 1 Scene 2) - Nerdstudy
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Romeo and Juliet Summary (Act 1 Scene 3) - Nerdstudy
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Romeo and Juliet Summary (Act 1 Scene 4) - Nerdstudy
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Romeo and Juliet Summary (Act 1 Scene 5) - Nerdstudy
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A description and purpose of all the characters
Character Analysis Videos
Character Analysis Videos

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Analysing Lord Capulet
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Lady Capulet in Romeo and Juliet
Play Video

Mercutio - Quick Revision
Play Video

Mercutio Band 6 responses
Play Video

Analysing Benvolio
Play Video

Analysing Friar Lawrence
Play Video

Analysing Tybalt
Play Video

Analysing The Nurse (Romeo and Juliet)
Play Video

Analysing The Prince (Romeo and Juliet)
Play Video

Paris in Romeo and Juliet
Play Video

Juliet - Grades 7, 8 and 9
Play Video

Romeo Grade 9 analysis
Play Video
A brief overview of each act and scene
RJ Themes
RJ Themes

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Fate in Romeo and Juliet
Play Video

Love in Romeo and Juliet
Play Video

Conflict - Romeo and Juliet
Play Video

Love in Romeo and Juliet BAND 6 RESPONSE
Play Video

Romantic love in Romeo and Juliet (Grade 8)
Play Video

'Love' in Romeo and Juliet: Key Quotes & Analysis
Play Video

'Death' in Romeo and Juliet: Key Quotes & Analysis
Play Video

'Hate' in Romeo and Juliet: Key Quotes & Analysis
Play Video

Revision Books
A brief overview of each act and scene
York Notes
Miss McLean says...
"In addition to the text you receive in class, this is one of the best revision books out there! Pay particular attention to the attotated exemplars and try to imitate this in your own writing.
If you prefer to have a hard copy, you can purchase it here."
Miss McLean says...
"In your exam, you will need to compare the extract with another moment in the play. This wont be given to you, so you will need to memorise quotations and make sure that they are relevant to the question. this booklet will help with this, but you could also click here to go to the quotes page
Past Papers
Apply your knowledge
Extension Activities
Not sure what to do with your revision time? Try one of these activities!
Create at least 10 quote cards. Quote on the front and on the back who said it, to whom, when and significance Extension: Add theme.
Create a "themes visual." It should be on A3 paper. It should have at least 4 themes. It should have the names of at least 5 characters. It should have at least 10 quotes (keep them short) You should include pictures and colour to make it visually appealing.
Write a diary entry fro the point of view of either Romeo or Juliet after they meet for the first time. It should be at least 400 words long. It should follow all conventions for diary entries (1st person, past tense, dear diary etc....)
Revise for your WWW EBI assessment by creating a set of notes for your WWW EBI question. These can be flashcards, an annotated page from your text, a practice paragraph or all of the above! Remember: if you fail to plan, you plan to fail!
Shakespeare is a puppeteer and makes decisions for all of his characters. Comment on three moments in the text where Shakespeare makes a decision that changes the course of the narrative. For example, Capulet's servant couldn't read the invitation so Romeo read it for him. What scene is this in? How does he help to steer the course of the narrative? ie. Why is it significant? You should write at least 400 words for your response.
To to the revision pack at the top pof this page. Complete page 6 (Lady Capulet) and page 7 (the Nurse) Click here for the pack
Read act 2 scene 3. How does Shakespeare present Friar Lawrence in this scene? (PETER paragraph, short embedded evidence) and to how far do you agree that he is a significant character in the play (600 word response)
Romeo and Juliet
William Shakespeare
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