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AQA- Language Paper 2

This is a slightly more difficult exam than Language Paper 1 in that you have TWO texts to read rather than one.
Most of the skills are similar to paper one because you have to do a Language analysis, structural analysis and use of relevant quotations-- however with this exam, you have the added skill of comparison.
See the lessons below to help you achieve the skills for the language paper and always ask for help if you need it!
The Writing Paper- / 40
(the type of writing)
(The reason for writing)
To advise
To entertain
To persuade
To inform
To explain
(Who are you writing for?)
Level of education?
Example Question
‘The government should invest more money in public transport as there are so manygood reasons to use it.’
Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper, explaining your views on this statement.
40 marks
24 marks for content and organisation
16 marks for technical accuracy
Revise each format. Ex. How does a letter sound? How does it look on the page? How does it start? How does it develop? How might it change with different audiences?
What language devices are used for each purpose? Ex. What language devices should you use to advise? Persuade? Inform?
What are the kinds of audiences one can write for? How would you show the examiner that you were writing specifically for that audience?
To Revise
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