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AQA- Spoken Language
Year 10s
What do students need to do?
Homework Support Documents
Frequently Asked Questions
"I don't know what to write about."
This is a common concern amongst year 10s. Make sure you download the "choosing a topic" PowerPoint above. Speak about something you know about, or something you are passionate about. The best presentations are informative and interesting.
"Do I have to present in front of a group?"
Yes. All students must not only speak about their topic but also answer questions their audience have about their topic. This is easier with a group. Speak to your teacher if you wish to do the presentation on your own or with a group of your friends but organising this will be your teacher's decision based on the time he/she has.
"How long does it have to be?"
You should aim to speak for at least 3 minutes. You must practise your speech and time yourself to ensure you meet this requirement. Leave 2-3 minutes for questioning at the end of your presentation.
"What if I don't do it?"
We, as a faculty, give you an opportunity to present. If you choose not to, we do not have to give you another chance. You will simply get a U for this and it will be on your final GCSE report.
"What if I am absent?"
You will be given another time to complete the task upon your return.
"How will I be marked?"
Teachers will ask themselves questions like "Did the student get my attention? Was the purpose clear? Did they use interesting examples? Did they hold your attention? Did they speak clearly and confidently? Did they answer questions effectively?"
Please see the mark scheme on page 31 of this document here
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